Saline Solution - Newcastle

Saline Solution - Newcastle

Do you have questions about faith at work?

  • Is talking about faith legitimate?
  • Is it good medicine?
  • Is it practical?
  • Would I have time?
  • How can I learn more?

Every Christian health professional has a unique opportunity to improve their patients’ physical and spiritual health but many feel frustrated by the challenge of integrating faith and practice within time constraints and legal obligations.

However, the medical literature increasingly recognises the important link between spirituality and health and GMC guidelines approve discussion of faith issues with patients provided it is done appropriately and sensitively.

Christians are called to be ‘the salt of the earth’ flavouring life with grace and truth. Saline Solution is a one-day course designed to help Christian health professionals become more comfortable practicing medicine that addresses the needs of the whole person. There is a mixture of teaching and small group discussion.

The course will take place from 09:15 (UK time) on Saturday, 16 September 2023 at City Church, The CastleGate, Melbourne St, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 2JQ.  If you would like to share a light breakfast with other delegates, please arrive at 09:15.

Outline Programme:

Session 1 : Why is faith important in Healthcare?

                     Introduction to tools

Session 2: What are the opportunities and barriers to fulfilling God’s call?

                   Where do I fit in?

Session 3: The toolbox : questions and stories

Session 4:   More tools including gospel presentation.

                    Where next?

16/09/2023 09:15 - 17:00
City Church The CastleGate Melbourne Street Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 2JQ UNITED KINGDOM
Online Registration Instructions

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