Cambridge Regional Day Conference

Cambridge Regional Day Conference

Human Identity

A day conference exploring issues of identity at the interface with healthcare.’

The aim for the day is for participants working in primary and secondary care to understand better people with identity issues and learn how to speak to them in a professional and non-judgmental way.


09:30 - Registration & coffee

10:00 - Theology of the body - Joe & Grace Watson - followed by questions

11:00 - Cultural Engagement - Ben Chang - followed by questions and tea/coffee

12:00 - Legal and Policy Aspects - Danny Webster- followed by questions

13:00 -14.00 Lunch

14:00 - Clinical Aspects - Laurence Crutchlow

15:00 - Panel discussion on the whole day.

15:45 - Close

1. Joe & Grace Watson - Theology of Embodiment
Grace Petkovic (married to Joe) is a doctor in paediatrics specialty training in the North West of England. She has a research interest in endocrinology (hormones), and has a masters in bioethics from the university of Notre Dame, Australia.

Joe Watson (married to Grace) is a doctor in anaesthetics specialty training in the North West of England. He is interested in questions of identity, cross-cultural mission and global health equity.

Christianity teaches that humans are made in the image of God. What does this mean? How might our bodies reveal God? What do our bodies tell us of ourselves? How might this affect how we live?

2. Ben Chang - Cultural Engagement
Dr Ben Chang is a writer, speaker and Emergency Medicine registrar working in London. He is the author of the new book "Christ and the Culture Wars: Speaking for Jesus in a World of Identity Politics" (published by Christian Focus Publications).

3. Danny Webster - Legal Aspects
Danny is Director of Advocacy at the Evangelical Alliance.
Danny joined the Evangelical Alliance in 2008 and has held a range of roles in the advocacy team. He currently leads the advocacy team's work across the UK including public policy work and engagement with the parliaments and assemblies, and respective governments. Before working for the Evangelical Alliance, Danny, who has degrees in politics and political philosophy, worked in parliament for an MP. Danny is passionate about encouraging Christians to integrate their faith with all areas of their life, especially when it comes to helping them take on leadership outside the church, and helped initiate the Evangelical Alliance's Public Leadership programme. He frequently provides comment on current political issues, both in Evangelical Alliance publications and to the press.

4. Laurence Crutchlow – Clinical Aspects

Laurence Crutchlow is CMF Associate Head of Student Ministries and a GP in London

Registration closes on Monday 18th March 2024.

How to book

1. Log in
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2. Choose your registration option

3. Enter delegate information
Once you have selected your registration option, please answer the questions on the form. Providing answers to the questions, helps us deliver a better conference experience. Remember to click on 'save responses' to save your answers at each stage.

4. Checkout / Payment
When you have registered, click on the 'add to cart' button at the bottom of the page to checkout with your credit or debit card details.

5. Cancellation policy
If you would like to cancel your booking, payment will be returned with the deduction of a £10 administration fee. 

6. Important information
The information we gather via this form will be used to process your registration. We will use your email address and mobile number to send you additional relevant information before and during the conference

7. Online Registration Instructions
If you are a CMF member or have already created an account, please enter your username and password in sign in box. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact for a reminder of your username or to reset your password.

If you do not have a user account for this website, please create an account using the 'create account' link on the CMF website. 

23/03/2024 09:00 - 16:00
School Of Clinical Medicine Addenbrookes Hospital Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0SP UNITED KINGDOM
Online Registration Instructions

If you are a CMF member or have already created an account, please enter your username and password in sign in box.

If you have forgotten your username or password, please use the links for a reminder of your username or to reset your password. 

If you do not have a user account for this website, please create an account using the create account link. 

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