In-step Programme

In-step Programme


Devised by CMF Junior Doctors, In-step is a once-a-month event for juniors to meet and look at aspects of their Christian walk in the healthcare workplace. The aim of the programme is to build juniors up in Christ, equip them for their day-to-day roles, and encourage supportive Christian friendships between them.

There will be five individual sessions each taking the form of a short pre-recorded talk, an interview with a relevant junior grounded in real life experience, and time for discussion and prayer.

In-Step will be offered online on the last Thursday of the month at 8 pm. There are also a number of local venues where groups will meet face-to-face for food and fellowship and to look at the materials together. These include groups in Birmingham, Dundee, Greater Manchester, Hull, Northern Ireland, Oxford, Wessex and, York with more hopefully to be added as the program develops. The days and times of local face-to-face groups will vary - a link to these details will be shared on this webpage soon.

You can join the program at any time and can attend as many or as few sessions as you wish. All registrants will receive details of the online group so if you cannot join your local group every time because of other commitments you can still take part online.

The details for the online meetings are as follows:

1. Walking shoes: maintaining your own spiritual health 
Date: Thursday, 28 September 2023   Time: 8-9 pm

2. Route mapping: a Biblical approach to guidance and decision making 
Date: Thursday, 26 October 2023   Time: 8-9 pm

3. Compass confusion: responding to emerging issues in healthcare 
Date: Thursday, 30 November 2023   Time: 8-9 pm

4. Watch your step: faithfulness in a fallen system
Date: Thursday, 25 January 2024 Time: 8-9 pm

5. Walk and talk: supporting your peers 
Date: Thursday, 29 February 2024   Time: 8-9 pm

You can choose to book online or to attend a face-to-face group if there is one running in your locality. Once registered, you will receive joining instructions from the local group leader.
Remember you will also receive online joining links to be used if you cannot do the face-to-face session at any time.

28/09/2023 20:00 - 29/02/2024 21:00
Online Registration Instructions

If you are a CMF member or have already created an account, please enter your username and password in sign in box.

If you have forgotten your username or password, please use the links for a reminder of your username or to reset your password. 

If you do not have a user account for this website, please create an account using the create account link. 

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