Psychiatry Day Conference

Psychiatry Day Conference

Life and Death. A Christian Medical Exploration of the Impact of Suicide

Please consider joining us in central London on Friday, 27th June 2025, for a one-day CMF Psychiatry day conference carefully and thoughtfully exploring suicide—a complex and tragic issue that is a particular challenge for those working in psychiatry and healthcare. Engage with interactive and insightful sessions with specialists in the field and brothers and sisters in Christ, sensitively sharing from their professional and personal experiences. This event will provide valuable opportunities for deep learning, networking, and reflection by exploring and discussing deep theological, cultural/societal, psychological, and occupational dimensions—including a discussion and Q&A session about the ethics of assisted suicide.

Open to professionals of all ages and levels of experience and expertise, this conference provides a unique space to engage with sensitive and important topics in a caring and supportive environment. It aims to encourage meaningful and purposeful dialogue whilst bridging the interface between the Christian faith and mental health.

We aim to provide opportunities for prayer during the day, offering moments to reach out to God, as we reach out to each other. Please consider being part of this important and impactful 2025 CMF Psychiatry (in person only) gathering.


09:20 - Registration & coffee

10:00 - Welcome & Introduction

10.20 - The death of a patient by suicide| Dr Evelyn Sharpe

11:40 - Break

12:00 -  Considering the theology: morality, cultural, scriptural, and traditional perspectives about suicide Rachael Newham & Dr Jonathan Haynes

12:45 - CMF Update | Mark Pickering

13:00 - Lunch

13:40 - Dear Mr Jacobs | Ruth Croxley

13:55 - Speaker to be confirmed

14:25 - Q&A

14:40 - Legalizing assisted suicide devalues all of us: notes from Canada | Dr Ewan Goligher

15:25 - Panel discussion

16:00 - Prayer time

16:15 - Close

Dr Evelyn Sharpe

Dr Evelyn Sharpe is a retired Consultant Psychiatrist with experience in General Adult Psychiatry and serving people abroad in mission and aid work, who now works in pastoral care at her local church.

Rachael Newham
Rachael Newham is an author and speaker specialising in the theology of mental health. She holds a Theology BA(Hons) and completed a research masters (MTh) entitled “Towards a Contemporary Pastoral Theology of Clinical Depression”. Rachael founded and led ThinkTwice, a national charity delivering theology of mental health training, has experience as a chaplaincy assistant on an acute mental health unit and has run a national church mental health project. She writes and speaks regularly on issues of faith and mental health and can be found as @RachaelNewham90 on social media. 

Dr Jonathan Haynes

Dr Jonathan Haynes is a Consultant Psychiatrist, working for Gloucestershire Health & Care NHSFT. His clinical role is with an Early Intervention in Psychosis team. He also works as Deputy Medical Director with responsibility for Patient Safety and Quality; in this role he chairs reviews of deaths by suicide, and meets with bereaved families. He lives in Bristol and worships at Redland Church. 

Mark Pickering 

Mark Pickering is CMF Chief Executive and a secure environment GP, working regularly in secure forensic settings. He oversees CMF’s public policy ministry, including on end of life issues.

Ruth Croxley
Ruth Croxley is a Registered Mental Health Nurse (DIP HE) who previously worked for over 20 years in a Medium Secure Unit in North London, as a Forensic Nurse. Ruth now works with Adults with Learning Disabilities, Autism and challenging behaviours, in a part time capacity.

Dr Ewan Goligher
Dr Ewan Goligher MD PhD is Associate Professor of Medicine and Physiology and a Physician-Scientist at the University of Toronto. He practices critical care medicine and in that capacity is regularly involved in navigating ethical issues in end-of-life care with patients and their families. He has published on ethical issues surrounding physician-assisted death, freedom of conscience, and withholding/withdrawing life-sustaining measures. He is author of How Should We Then Die? A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death, from Lexham Press (2024).

How to book

1. Log in 

If you are already a CMF member, please login in with your existing login details to obtain the reduced rate for members. If you need a reminder of your username or if you have forgotten your password, please use the links on the right-hand side of this page to request a reminder of your username or to reset your password. If you have problems logging in, please email for assistance. 
If you have not used this website before, please create a user account before logging in.

2. Choose your registration option 
'Conference registration’ option.

3. Enter delegate information
Once you have selected your registration option, please answer the questions on the form. Providing answers to the questions helps us deliver a better conference experience. Remember to click on 'save responses' to save your answers at each stage. 

4. Checkout / Payment
When you have registered, checkout with your credit or debit card details.

5. Cancellation policy 
If you would like to cancel your booking, payment will be returned with the deduction of a £10 administration fee. 

6. Important information
The information we gather via this form will be used to process your registration. We will use your email address and mobile number to send you additional relevant information before and during the conference.

27/06/2025 10:00 - 17:00
Christian Medical Fellowship 6 Marshalsea Road London SE1 1HL UNITED KINGDOM
Online Registration Instructions

If you are a CMF member or have already created an account, please enter your username and password in sign in box.

If you have forgotten your username or password, please use the links for a reminder of your username or to reset your password. 

If you do not have a user account for this website, please create an account using the create account link. 

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