Christ Centered Pastoral Care for Healthcare Staff

Christ Centered Pastoral Care for Healthcare Staff
This one-day conference explores the nature of the need for pastoral care for clinicians and how we might be equipped to meet this. This event is for Christians who have a heart for pastoral care and are thinking about getting more involved in Pastoral Ministry and Mentoring with Healthcare Staff.

Clinical pressures are huge and there is no time to think or pray or read. It feels like people outside of our clinical world cannot understand. How do we help one another to ‘grow in grace’ and recover the sense of God’s rule in our lives? How do we see Christ formed in us? What might good Christian Pastoral care and mentoring for clinicians look like?  There will be opportunity for sharing personal experience of different approaches and for reflection on what might work in our contexts.

Who is the conference for?

This event is for Christians who have a heart for pastoral care and are thinking about getting more involved in Pastoral Ministry and Mentoring with Healthcare Staff.  Nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals at any stage of their careers are welcome as are students. Hospital Chaplains or others involved in supporting clinicians would also be welcome.  You don’t need to be a member of CMF to attend.


Platform sessions, Workshops, Prayer and Reflection covering important topics around Pastoral Care for Clinicians including:

  • What do we know about the pastoral care needs of Christian clinicians?
  • Identifying and developing pastoral gifts- am I ready to serve?
  • Setting Boundaries: training, governance, safeguarding and risk management in pastoral care and mentoring
  • The long view – how can we go the distance?
  • Using social media in pastoral care
  • Practical aspects of mentoring
  • Running peer to peer support groups.
  • Self Care and beating burnout
  • What are the distinctives of truly Christian pastoral care and mentoring?
  • Praxis: Turning theory into action – What do next steps look like?



Prof John Wyatt
John Wyatt, CMF President and Emeritus Professor of Neonatology, University College London, spent over 30 years working as a paediatrician and at the cutting edge of neonatal research within the NHS. He is a senior researcher at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. He has authored several books including Matters of Life and Death.

Dr Derek Munday
Dr Derek Munday is a retired General Practitioner who for many years led ‘Christians in Caring Professions’. He is married to Mary, an ophthalmologist   and together they have run a centre in Wales that provides a place where Christian professionals and leaders can “say the unsayable, think the unthinkable and find God again.” 

Dr James Howitt
James Howitt is a former CMF staff-worker and medical SHO. He now runs strategy and operations at Skylark Church in Chelmsford.

Dr Ross Bryson
Ross Bryson is a GP in Birmingham and medical school tutor who seeks to find ways of showing how God’s values can improve healthcare. Recently he initiated a scheme which supports junior doctors in delivering healthcare from a place of wellbeing which has been recognised by HEE and BMA as a model of good practice.

Dr Dave Crick
Dave Crick - retired GP. He also supported the large ministry team at his church by providing pastoral care through “Pastoring the Pastors” for over 10 years.  He has also taught about “stress and burnout in doctors” with PRIME International.

Dr Monica Hrabovsky
Monica Hrabovsky a Consultant Ophthalmologist based in Newcastle upon Tyne and is the CMF Mentoring Associate who has been exploring the area of mentoring and how this can grow within CMF

Prof Steve Sturman
Steve Sturman is Associate Head of Graduate Ministries at CMF and also a Consultant Neurologist and Honorary Professor specialising in Neurorehabilitation in Birmingham.

Dr Mark Attah 
Is a GP in Cambridgeshire and has wide experience in postgraduate education and has had training in coaching and mentoring.

Dr Zena Schofield
Zena Schofield is a Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist and is the biblical counselling co-ordinator at Beeston Free Church Nottingham. She holds the BCUK Certificate in Biblical Counselling. 

Dr Ashley Stewart
Ashley Stewart is the new Associate Head of Student Ministries at CMF. She left medicine after F2 to go to Bible college and completed a degree in Theology and Counselling. 


07/12/2019 09:15 - 16:00
CMF Johnson House 6 Marshalsea Road London SE1 1HL UNITED KINGDOM
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